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Welcome to C MENU!

Are you tired of paying huge commissions for a basic online ordering system? C MENU provides a fantastic online ordering system for restaurants and takeaways and teaches business owners how to run advertisements to increase overall business profit. Our system is simple: If you are paying hundreds to thousands of pounds a month in commission, we teach business owners how to pool that money into promoting their own business, resulting in more returning customers and shrugging off the reliance on platforms that offer customers the chance to order from your competitors and compete with your business using adverts key worded to your business name, effectively stealing your own customers to charge a commission. 

The Takeaway System That Gives YOU The Power

We set up C MENU in order to give restaurants and takeaways an ordering system that would enable them to keep food prices reasonable without forcing them to compromise on quality. We looked at the percentages taken by other companies which run menu and restaurant systems and realised that we could provide an exceptional ordering system without forcing companies to compromise on the quality of their food and services or exploit loopholes.

Our goal is simple:

  • Keep Food Costs Reasonable
  • Don’t Exploit Businesses
  • Don’t Exploit Customers
  • Provide Excellent Service
  • Give Restaurants and Takeaways Control

Sign Up Your Business With C MENU!

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Complete Control

Unlike other companies, C MENU offers you complete control over your online takeaway system. You have free reign over the menu you add to our system and complete control of the prices which you set. We believe in freedom when it comes to our system and we would never force a company to compromise to keep up with the ridiculous prices other companies charge.

Our goal is simple:

  • Build Your Menu Using Our System
  • Set Your Own Prices
  • A Single Charge of 75p Per Order
  • Low Setup Cost (£20.00)
  • Allow Businesses more Control

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What We Are

We are a Menu Ordering System providing a service similar to Just-Eat, Deliveroo and other similar business models. What makes us different is that we don’t charge a percentage commission whenever people order from you. We charge a flat single charge of 75p per order, collectively taken at the end of the month. 5p per order will go to a charity of our choice at the end of the month.

Our Foundation Principals:

  • Help and Support Restaurants and Takeaways of ALL sizes
  • Allow Users Control of Prices, Menus and Their System
  • Assist and help support Charities

What We Aren’t

We are not Just-Eat or Deliveroo or other similar services. We do not take in a lot of money compared to these giants and we do not advertise in the same way they do. This doesn’t mean that our services are worse, just that they are significantly different in terms of who will actually use your C MENU menu.

Our Advantages

  • We are cheaper than most other similar services.
  • Non Competitive – Other services like Just-Eat and Deliveroo have an order system which people can look for local restaurants, occasionally their adverts can end up giving your competition the edge over your business.
  • We allow a greater amount of control over your menu, allowing you to set prices and information. We work hard to ensure that business owners are not exploited and benefit from our system.
  • Without a huge commission cost, you are free to run Facebook and Google ads to compete with your competition more successfully using C MENU that you will get from Just-Eat.
  • We avoid competitive ads. We will not compete with your website or your business online in the same way other engines do. We find that immoral.

Our Disadvantages

  • We do not run massive ad campaigns. (Yet)
  • We are business rather than customer based, so the success of our engine for your business is reliant on using money to advertise your menu instead of customers finding you through us. 

Who Are We?

If you’re in trouble we will save the day… We’re brave and we’re fearless somewhat may, whenever the mission goes astray we’re Arnold Arnold Arnold Rimmer more reliable than a garden strimmer we’re also a fantastic swimmer and we’ll never need a zimmer!